Wednesday, September 28, 2011

As the world turns...

Well, class was canceled for tonight. I suppose I will have to practice on my own.

In other news, I sort of went crazy the past week or so after the QEP. I know that not having overseas experience hurt my resume, so I looked up a lot fo different ways to become an expat. I might be a deep-seeded regret for not studying abroad in college but it bothers me. Yeah.

The scary thing is now I feel like applying to every program.

Let's look at some my choices:
So, I did apply to Teach for China.  The application wasn't bad and I just submitted it on impulse. If its as competitive as Teach for America, I won't hold my breath.

That said, I'm probably also going to apply to JET and the State Department Internship in Ethiopia and China. I always sort of wanted to do JET. Japan fascinates me (even though I am taking Mandarin and not Japanese) and it pays. The State Department Internship is a very very good experience but it is unpaid and only for the summer.

I'm not sure about Priceton in A/A/LA. It looks like a good program but I am not sure how competitive it is.

As for Peace Corp, I would do it in a second. The only issue is I am not sure if I could REALLY do it. Two years is a long time to be in a yet to be determined country. I don't want to get into my personal life, but I am not sure I could make it work.

Here is the real issue with all of this: I'd have to leave my job. I would have to give up my secure federal job with good benefits and pay to take a major risk. Luckily, I will be considered career by the time I would possibly leave but its still a big risk in this market.

I guess I don't have to think about it until I get an offer for somewhere. Anyone have any thoughts? Anyone have experience in one of these programs or something else?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

First Chinese Class

Chinese Idol?
I started taking Mandarin classes last night at the Graduate School (formally the USDA Graduate school).

So far, I think it was a great idea. It was useful to just hear actually people speaking the language. We went over the basics the first class but it put a lot of what I already read/learned together. The class is made up of similar people too... professionals looking to gain a new skill. I have high hopes.

If I haven't already said it, learning Mandarin Chinese will not be easy. I knew that. I swear I did. I think half of the reason I write this blog is to keep myself focused. Luckily, Chinese is very literal. This makes the grammar somewhat easy. The hardest part for me in Spanish class was conjugating verbs for whatever reason. The hard part with Chinese will pronouncing sounds and memorizing characters/vocab. I am surprisingly decent at pronouncing Chinese (strangely better than when I learned Spanish). As for the characters, thankfully, that is what practice and flash cards are for.

I did have a chance to talk to a fellow student about all of this. They had been trying Rosetta Stone and other self-study methods too. We both had similar experiences. With non-western languages, its seems like these tools can really only go so far. Having a teacher listen to you and correct you in real time is extremely valuable. I am still new but my suggestion is to use everything you can. Take a class, buy software, get cds, etc. Not one source is perfect. Though, it should be obvious, you need to practice. This is coming from a notorious procrastinator. Without practice, you will move slower than a snail at language learning.

For those that have asked me if Rosetta Stone works: Use it as a supplement. Don't expect to get proficient with just that or a book. You need the interaction to stat putting the pieces together. That doesn't mean it isn't useful. You can use it to pick up sounds, vocab, and structure but you will eventually need someone to put those pieces together.

Monday, September 19, 2011

QEP Results in.

No go for me this year... and I don't think I will apply to the PD cone again. Maybe Management next year? I did learn a lot about the process and hopefully that will benefit me next year.

I still get to wait on the OMS position and also I am thinking about applying to the Internship Program to get some overseas experience.

Also, updates might get a bit sparse as I will have some dead time but I will be updating from time to time. I will be starting a Chinese class on Wednesday. So look out for updates on how that goes.
Edit: I started writing this in the comments but it should be included in the post.

Right now, I am mostly torn on how to better get into an "international" career. I will have two graduate degrees and federal government experience. Also, I'm working on the language part.

The thing I worry about is the lack of overseas experience. I just didn't have the money to do it in college (I financed college myself). I don't think I could take 2 years to do Peace Corps... but seems like the Foreign Service, etc. really want that type of experience in you tool bag.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Quick Update

Two things.

First, no QEP results this week. I am thinking this Tuesday afternoon. Just a hunch.

Second, just signed up for Chinese I at the USDA Graduate School. I hope I'm not stretching myself too thin.

Also, I have been talking with a few people about other options. Anyone have ideas on how to get overseas experiences? Obviously there is the Peace Corp. I feel like my biggest regret from college is not going abroad for financial reasons.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Years Ago

At lot has changed in my life over the past 10 years. I remember being in my high school U.S. History class and literally watching history being made as I saw the second tower collapse on live TV.

That moment has had such a great impact on the past decade. This really be the 9/11 decade in a lot of ways. (The War on Terror, the loss of privacy, etc.) I was in Pittsburgh that day and, today, I am literally writing this article within walking distance to the Pentagon. Thinking about what happened here, in NYC, and in PA is really thought provoking.

Part of the reason I came to DC for college was a result of 9/11. It is also part of the reason I am looking to represent the U.S. overseas. It was a horrible day but I do hope that we learn and grow from it.

Friday, September 9, 2011

No news...

9/8 has passed. No QEP news this week.

In other news, my fall semester starts tomorrow. Fun right? At least I have one paper done...

Alright, I am going to watch True Blood before bed. Good night, everyone!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Oh, September!

Summer is coming to an end very quickly. Time to relax this Labor Day. I am so happy to be headed to the beach. I have been on the edge of burning myself out with grad school. Just finished my summer semester (I still need to finish my final paper for my Japanese history class). Fall semester is coming up quick... I might need a drink.

I finally submitted my application for the Office Management Specialist position. I have no idea how that will go but I will just put it out of my mind and, who knows, I might get good news in a few months. Speaking of news... The QEP results are coming soon. Maybe the 8th? I am just going to pretend the whole FS doesn't exist. I keep hearing bad news about the whole budget situation so it really is a shot in the dark at this point. Trying not to be a negative Nancy though!

In other news: Whether you love or hate the guy, Obama really needs to get his butt in gear. He is getting killed in the PR department. Spending more time on "Hurricane" Irene than on a good jobs policy isn't going convince the public. There is a reason his approval is now in the 30s. If the GOP nominates a decent candidate (that never is a sure thing though), he really is in trouble. I am going to hide some of my political leanings but I will say that some of my concerns over Obama in 2008 have been sort of confirmed. We shall see how the next year goes, I suppose.