Friday, September 2, 2011

Oh, September!

Summer is coming to an end very quickly. Time to relax this Labor Day. I am so happy to be headed to the beach. I have been on the edge of burning myself out with grad school. Just finished my summer semester (I still need to finish my final paper for my Japanese history class). Fall semester is coming up quick... I might need a drink.

I finally submitted my application for the Office Management Specialist position. I have no idea how that will go but I will just put it out of my mind and, who knows, I might get good news in a few months. Speaking of news... The QEP results are coming soon. Maybe the 8th? I am just going to pretend the whole FS doesn't exist. I keep hearing bad news about the whole budget situation so it really is a shot in the dark at this point. Trying not to be a negative Nancy though!

In other news: Whether you love or hate the guy, Obama really needs to get his butt in gear. He is getting killed in the PR department. Spending more time on "Hurricane" Irene than on a good jobs policy isn't going convince the public. There is a reason his approval is now in the 30s. If the GOP nominates a decent candidate (that never is a sure thing though), he really is in trouble. I am going to hide some of my political leanings but I will say that some of my concerns over Obama in 2008 have been sort of confirmed. We shall see how the next year goes, I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. I agree about the FS -- I am just going to stay in my "happy bubble" and pretend it doesn't exist right now, ha ha. I hope you had fun at the beach -- it's raining where I am right now :(

    And about Obama, I'll be honest: even though I personally love the guy, I think he is doing a lackluster job of getting things done. I blame him and Congress.

    I wish Obama would just roll up his sleeves and take them all town. He needs some backbone. The Common People are suffering, and no matter which "side" you're on, or who you voted for, we can't deny that everyone in Washington is giving us a raw deal.
