Thursday, November 3, 2011

Winter is Coming...

So, its been a while. With my Fall school semester ending this past week, I finally found time to update this blog. I won't start classes again until February, so I get to relax a bit..

I registered for my Spring semester classes:
  • Cross-Cultural Communication
  • Persuasive Comm Campaigns
  • Africa & Global Economic System
I wish I could take a forth class but I think with my full-time work schedule that three is about as much as I can handle. I wanted to fit in a class on the EU and NATO... oh well.

Basically, to bring you guys up to speed with the career stuff, I am applying to three different things: Teach for China, the JET Program, and the State Department Internship.

I actually have an interview for Teach for China in a week but I am not so sure about it. I'd have to pay for my flight and it would be a two year commitment. The JET Program would be better becuase I'd be getting paid and have my travel covered. Plus, I could leave after a year if its not right for me. Obviously though, Teach for China would be better for my Mandarin skill :P

Out in left field is the State Department Internship. I am applying to the Chinese Embassy and the Ethiopian Embassy. From what I understand, it is incredibly competitive to get in. Also, I'd get no pay whatsoever. So I better start saving now to pay for my flight and food. It would only be 10 weeks though...

Anyhow, I will be making more postings soon. Maybe even a current event topic or two. We shall see.


  1. I have a Teach for China phone interview in a couple hours! I hope it goes well. I personally am excited for Teach for China and like how quickly they get back to you. JET takes so long that they haven't even gotten out the application form yet...

    Maybe I should look into the State Department Internship as well. It's an option that I haven't really considered, but could be a valuable experience.

    I hope your apps go well and that work/school is going smoothly too.

    By the way, did Teach for China send you a PDF presentation to study? As an econ major in undergrad it's just... *shake my head*

  2. Ni Hao Winwit,

    I was one of the people who got invited right to the in-person interview. I didn't get the PDF presentation. There is a bunch of stuff to prepare for the in-person one though. A very complex interview process... :/

    How did your phone interview go?

    I worry that I will get offers from TFC and/or the State internship (maybe) before I even get an interview with JET. They do take forever. I think JET would be my first choice just becuase of the pay... but not sure if I could hold out for them.

    Word of warning though: the State internship deadline in the 7th (it actually was extended from the 1st)

  3. Wow, I am really excited for you! Please let me know how it goes -- I'm sending much luck your way as far as the interview is concerned! :)
