Friday, December 2, 2011


"Honey, are you sure we don't need the Justin Beiber coffee maker? It's 5% Off!"
Ok rant time.

Every year I am extremely blessed to have such an awesome family to go visit for Thanksgiving. It's a great time to relax and enjoy important people in my life. That said, every year I almost vomit in my mouth when I see people during "Black Friday."

I see images of people lining up before midnight to save a few extra dollars... running around like zombies trying to buy stuff they didn't need in the first place. It's one of the few times I actually get disgusted in other people. I love the holidays but I hate that people use this important time of year to conduct senseless commercialism. No waffle maker is worth losing your dignity. We get so worried about the "STUFF" of Christmas that we really miss the priceless "stuff."

Sure, it is easy to say that those are other people being crazy. But, come on... we all are to blame for this behavior. We have created a culture where the holidays have become a game. I have a friend whose mother NEEDS to go Black Friday shopping... it’s her tradition. I really shouldn't be judging other people... but how perverse is that? Shouldn't Christmas or Thanksgiving itself be the tradition.

I thought about photoshopping this...
We have a debt culture in this country and Christmas certainly is big profit time for retailers and credit card companies. There is a good reason why you see Christmas decorations go up right after Halloween now... stores know people just buy more when they "get in the holiday spirit."  How about we change that culture? Instead of going Christmas shopping (and yes, I judge those that do this months in advance) and getting hypnotized by the music, lights, and sparkles. Let's spend more time and spend less money this year. More time with family... more time doing fun things... more time at home... heck, even more time with crazy Aunt Susan.

"BUT I LOVE CHRISTMAS!" Ok, I get it. I had a friend who just LOVES the whole thing ... decorations, gifts, Santa, etc. It's hard not to love. But when did those things become less of a treat and more of a burden? When did leaving cookies for Santa cost you $1000+ dollars?

How about this... instead of buying something that your kids will play with maybe once or twice... take your kid camping/ice skating/road tripping/to a concert/to a football game... anything to have TIME with them. Take your wife to a romantic cottage in the winter... or to a play if that's her thing. Clean your parent's house or, in my case, install their cable box. You might still spend a little money... but time with people is much much much more valuable than Tickle Me Elmo.

More time. Less Stuff. I should write a book with this type of advice... and you are getting it for free. Lucky you.

Ok. Rant over.